EmComm Groups
in the Inland Northwest

EmComm Groups are generally organized along county lines. If you are interested in a particular EmComm Group where you live, contact information is given below organized by district then county/counties in alphabetical order.

If for whatever reason, you cannot find someone to contact, contact the Eastern Washington Section Emergency Coordinator (SEC), Frank Hutchison, AG7QP@arrl.net, (509) 434-4880.

Groups are listed without discrimination or endorsement.

Acronyms Used:
EC - Emergency Coordinator
SEC - Section Emergency Coordinator

In Eastern Washington

District 7
Chelan and Douglas
Grant County Emergency Management
Edward Spalding, KG7NCS, Volunteer and ARES EC, Grant County Emergency Management, espaldingiii@gmail.com, 509-761-8232
Meeting schedule - None
Kittitas County Auxiliary Communications Service
George Long, KK7AHR, ARES EC/Auxiliary Communications Manager, contact info on website.
Starting Jan. 2025, Fourth Tuesday of every month, 1800-1900 at KITTCOM, 700 Elmview Rd, Ellensburg. This is a secure facility so people attending who are not vetted by KCSO need to make contact with EC prior to attending.
ACS - KCARC - Kittitas County Amateur Radio Club (qsl.net)

District 8
Benton and Franklin - 3 Rivers AUXCOMM
Klickitat County ARES/ACS
Meetings last Thursday of the Month at the Klickitat County EOC - 199 Industrial Park Way, Goldendale, WA 98620
Butch Hallenbeck, ARES EC, W7GRH.Butch@gmail.com
Klickitat County ARES Repeater - 146.920- tone 88.5 NET Monday Nights @ 2030 hrs
Walla Walla and Columbia

District 9
Adams - No organized group. Refer questions to Section Emergency Coordinator.
Asotin - No organized group. Refer questions to Section Emergency Coordinator.
Garfield - No organized group. Refer questions to Section Emergency Coordinator.
Pend Oreille
Spokane County ARES/ACS Group, https://www.spokares.org/
Asa Laughton, EC, W7TSC
All meetings are held at the DEM Building: 1121 W. Gardner Ave, Spokane, WA 99260
1st Tuesday 5:30 PM ARES-ACS Staff Meeting
2nd Saturday 9:00 AM General Workshop
12:30 PM Winlink Workshop
3rd Thursday 7:00 PM Training Meeting
Stevens County ARES "SCARES"
Baron Lundberg, EC, KI7FDU, baronofcolville@peoplepc.com, 509-684-1819
Meetings on the 3rd Tuesday of the month.
Location of meetings - VFW Post 6963 at the corner of Highway 20 E. and Aladdin Rd. Colville, WA.
Whitman - No organized group. Refer questions to Section Emergency Coordinator.

EWA Emcomms Group - Based in Okanogan County, this group is open to any licensed amateur radio operators living (Full or Part Time) in Eastern WA. and Northern ID. (We currently have radio operators in several counties)
Our main source of group day to day contact is through our Telegram Group: EWA Emcomms. To join please contact: “EK” via Telegram - 509-387-3693
Our modes of operation
Band: 40m / 40m NVIS Frequency: 7.112 MHz
Digital Modes of Operations
JS8CALL / COMMSTAT - Group Name: @EWACOMMS @ 2150 on the W/F (1900 to 2500 Hz is our ONLY area for Tx and Rx)
When: The First Friday of each Month on 7.112 MHz
W/F Setting: Find a “clear” area to send from anywhere with-in our W/F area.(1900hz to 5200hz)
Time: Check-ins may be submitted anytime between: 1800 and 2359 (PT)
How To Check-in:
#1 - Send a “SNR?” to the Group's Name
#2 - After getting back replies from all the stations listening
#3 - Send Your “Abbreviated STATREP” to the “NCS” Station - KM7CRD
Abbreviated Status Report - STATREP V1 (whitepaper) 23 Nov 2019 https://tinyurl.com/abrstatrep
Their Net Log will be posted in our Telegram Group
For more information on this group, please contact: Ed - KM7CRD, Email: ekoonce66@gmail.com, PLEASE in the Subject Line put: EWA Group Info.